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City of Woodbury
Wastewater System Improvements

Meriwether County, Georgia

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The City of Woodbury’s wastewater collection system was installed in the late 1960’s. Many system components have only received minor repairs during the 57-year life span. The aging system was in need of major repairs and replacements; Operation and maintenance costs were increasing and creating a burden on the wastewater expenses. The City contracted with EMI to perform a Sewer System Evaluation that included a thorough analysis of the sewer system to identify system improvement and replacement needs.

The City decided to undergo a major wastewater system Improvement project in order to replace these aging components. Six (6) of the City’s wastewater pumping stations were replaced and outfitted with generators. EMI not only specified and designed the new pumps, wet well, valves, and generator, but also designed and assisted with coordination of by-pass pumping arrangement that maintained service during construction.

In addition to the pumping station replacements, the City assessed its gravity sewer collection system and rehabilitated a portion of the gravity pipe and manholes. The analysis includes manhole inspection, smoke testing, CCTV and dye testing. The result of the sewer system evaluation conducted by EMI includes documentation of the locations where the leaks are occurring, and a proposed plan of action to make the necessary repairs.

EMI assisted the City in obtaining a $2.5 million GEFA loan with $500,000 in principal forgiveness funds for the project.


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