City of Hiawassee
Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion
Towns County, Georgia

A senior living facility had approached the City requesting capacity at the wastewater treatment facility (WWTF). The potential customer was interested in investing $6.5 million and providing approximately 36 permanent full-time employees and 14 part-time employees.
However, the City of Hiawassee was experiencing high volumes of influent flow into its WWTF. The WWTF was at capacity and the City couldn’t accept any additional wastewater. In addition, the lift station that serves a major collection basin that would serve the proposed Senior Living facility was in need of replacement and the forcemain that is attached to a bridge over Lake Chatuge was leaking and verging on failure.
To help facilitate the improvements to the WWTF and sewer collection system, the City of Hiawassee contracted with Engineering Management, Inc. to develop a plan of improvements. EMI provided professional services for funding, design and permitting, bid document preparation, bid phase management, construction observation and engineering during construction, and funding administration assistance.
The project included improvements of the WWTF that included construction of an intake screen and structure, installation and purchase of a UV light, influent pump station valve pit, and Pre EQ-Basin rehabilitation and improvements. The wastewater collection system improvements included the rehabilitation and upgrade of a tri-plex pump station, approximately 1,500 LF of 8-inch diameter force main with bridge hanging.
EMI assisted the City in obtaining a $600,000 ARC grant and $800,000 low interest GEFA CWSRF loan.